Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Adventures of Pam & Frank

The Adventures of Pam & Frank

Old Believers - and ... racy firemen?

Posted: 31 Jul 2009 11:26 AM PDT

This picture of an Oregon Russian woman and her husband were posted last year when we showed you pictures of our visit to the 2008 Oregon State Fair.

A few weekends ago we attended the Salem World Beat Festival, where there was a booth about/for Old Believers. There, they promoted their website RobesNorthWest. Written for its members, there's a link to a newsletter which gives you an interesting little glimpse into their life.

Incidentally, their calendar of events lists the Hubbard Hop Festival, which I thought was intriguing. I clicked the link to view the City of Hubbard website and it mentioned the Hop Fest. (This is hops, as in making beer. A quarter of the world's hops supply are grown in Oregon and Washington.) There was a link to the Hubbard Fire Dept's website for more info about the fest.

I clicked the Hubbard Fire Dept website and received an error message. The website is blocked for: Pornography.

Huh? Either that's an error or those firemen are also selling one of those calendars...