Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Adventures of Pam & Frank

The Adventures of Pam & Frank

The 17th...

Posted: 10 Aug 2009 09:35 AM PDT

Inexpensive family fun
A few years ago, when we lived in an actual house, we would invite everyone we know to come over for pot luck dinner and board game night. It was always a lot of fun. In our dinky condo we just don't have the space to invite more than two or three people over any more, and it stinks because we have a really hard time getting everyone together.

Rachel and I have hatched a plan to kind of revive the regular parties...
  • Every month we would invite everyone we know to join us or meet up with us somewhere to have some fun. This would be on the same date each month, so the day of the week (and time of day) would vary. That way if you can't make it to the event one month, there's a chance you could make it next month. Also this makes it easier for people to know when the next event will be held.
  • Events need to be inexpensive and no hassle in getting there.
  • Events need to be family friendly.
  • We picked the 17th of each month because it doesn't interfere with any other holidays (except St. Pat's Day and occasionally Easter.) Plus it's a prime number and for some weird reason that appeals to us.

Our first event will be Monday Aug 17th. Following that, we have Thursday Sept 17, Saturday Oct 17th, Tuesday Nov 17th, and Thursday Dec 17th.

Where will we meet up on the 17th?
We've had a lot of great suggestions including many (ok, most of these) from my friend Todd:
  • Game wise, I vote Apples to Apples one night! I even have a big party hardy game pack thingymabobber. Ooo another thing is like some sort of card game competition, like a speed war or something with rounds and the winners of each battle battle away until only one is left standing…there can only be one highlander!!…oh man. Fun stuff.
  • Billiards at The Cue Ball (they're open to all ages)
  • Bowling
  • Hiking at silver falls
  • Picnic at Minto Brown park possibly a scavenger hunt
  • This mini golf is old school. Auburn Center Miniature Golf at 220 Center St NE Salem, OR 97317-3219 (503) 363-4404‎
  • Of course there is always Best Little Roadhouse and Garden Golf
  • We could all grab hold of our inner child and go to Pietro's for pizza and mini golf.
  • Go to a movie (Pam's note: I vote to go to The Palace Theatre in Silverton!)
  • Go to the Northern Lights Theatre Pub
  • Listen to Live music at Whatever Lefty's is now known as (Pam's note: it's Roxxy)
  • Do a barbecue in a park with one of those grill thingies
  • Frisbee Golf
  • Game night … but please save this for the crummy winter months
  • We could do a murder mystery party our group seems eccentric enough for this
  • We could go to a play at Pentacle Theatre or The Elsinore
  • If 17th falls on a Wed, Elsinore shows movie classics for just a few bucks and frequently has live pipe organ music prior to the shows
  • We could do wine tasting at a vineyard
  • If it falls on a weekend we could make a run to the coast. It's only an hour and we could carpool
  • Oh yes Spirit Mountain Casino
  • Restaurant lottery, you make a list of unique restaurants you would like to try and draw one out of a fishbowl at random.
  • Do a Halloween Haunt there are several through October
  • Oktoberfest in September in Mt. Angel (September 17 is their first day!)
  • Oh Mission Mill at Christmastime is very special
  • Hallie Ford Art Museum
  • The new Kroc Center will have water slides
  • We Could do a Themed potluck; there are some good cooks in your group

Andi asked, Could we bring someone with us? The more the merrier?
Our answer: Yes, please!

So... d'ya want to join us? Mark your calendar for August 17 and stay tuned here to find out where to go!

PS: Comment here if you want to join us or if you have more activity suggestions...