Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Pass It On Plates

Pass It On Plates

Plate # 0912001

Posted: 21 Dec 2009 05:18 PM PST

This is a Pass It On Plate.
It travels from friend to friend, carrying treats and telling a story as it travels.

Click "comments" below to read a special message left for you. When you're ready to pass the plate on to another friend, load it up with treats, leave a message for your friend in this plate diary, and pass it on again.

Keep it moving - this plate is part of our Plate Diary Dollars™ program

Have fun!

Plate # 0912002

Posted: 21 Dec 2009 05:19 PM PST

This is a Pass It On Plate.
It travels from friend to friend, carrying treats and telling a story as it travels.

Click "comments" below to read a special message left for you. When you're ready to pass the plate on to another friend, load it up with treats, leave a message for your friend in this plate diary, and pass it on again.

Keep it moving - this plate is part of our Plate Diary Dollars™ program

Have fun!