Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Adventures of Pam & Frank

The Adventures of Pam & Frank

Oh phooey ...and Sorry!

Posted: 16 Jan 2010 04:17 PM PST

Today I noticed that a lot of my buttons are disabled because of a situation with my Photobucket account.

Using Photobucket always gives me a headache and I'm not in the mood to grind my teeth and raise my blood pressure, so instead of fixing the problem with Photobucket, I'm going to have to take a little time and revamp how I make the pictures available to be used as buttons.

Thanks in advance for your patience and I'll get it fixed as soon as I can get to it. I have several other projects to take care of first.

Meanwhile, if you have any tips on how to either extend days to 36 hours instead of 24, or want to be my sugar daddy so I can quit my day job and fiddle with computer-y things all day long, please comment below.

PS: I guess the fix was easier than I thought. I just had to log in to my Photobucket account. I am still going to find a better way to host my images, though.

PPS: If you're still thinking of a way to extend the day or you are considering becoming my sugar daddy, those invitations are still open. Please comment below with your offer.