A.D.M.I.R.A.L. Posted: 21 Mar 2010 02:59 PM PDT Some of my very creative friends have been creating acronyms lately. (They're bored.) Today's word is: admiral Here is what they have come up with so far.... - A dreamer's mentality is really animalistic lies!!!!
- a demons mask internally, reeks a lot.
- All Day men insist Raylene's are luscious
- Another day makes Isabel really angry, LIAR.
- And Dexter makes Isabel recognize all lies!!
- Andi digs men, interesting really, all lunar-cycles
- Aliens derive many inter-species rascals all loony.
- All day menu, incommunicado raisons, A La-carte
- After demons make ice-cream, run all loose.
- Adam David Moore is really always late!!
- Although David may irritate Rachel, all love
- A dorky man internets right, aint lyin!
- Apples delicious make ill retch and leak
- A daring Many induce raspberry and lemon.
- Anonymous darling men instigate rave at Laguna
- Amorous dazzling men incarcerated return as leeches
- Admiring duchess mirrors iguana radiantly and laughs
- All Disaster Monday isn't really all laze
- Any day my irresponsible relative aims low
- As doomsday munches in, reorganize all ladles
- Angry demonic munchkins irritate rabbits and lizards.
- A disruption might include reprioritizing Andi's lament.
- All dumb movies include racing alligator legs
- Andi decides, "maybe I'll Relocate at lanai."
- Anchovies disgust moms, ignoring rugrats ate lots
- Alabamaslammas do make illegal retaliators all lovers.
- A detailed magazine investigates real-estate agents lying.
- Accountants demand management includes reality as loss-cause.
- Aspirational dog-lovers must investigate arf logarithms
- Art does magic in real adult lives
- Arch dioses meet in Rome about Lutherans
- Artichokes do make interesting remoulade at lunch
- Abaci destroy math ignaceously reinterpreting all lava
- Achtung defines men investigated rationally at laboratories
Can you think of any more? |